Sponsorship Information
Why You Should
Become a Sponsor
Roller derby is RAD, and so are YOU!
Roller Derby has come a long way from its most familiar incarnation as a staged show in the 1970s. Played on four-wheeled, “quad” skates, modern roller derby is often described as “a combination of NASCAR, hockey, and chess.” Today’s roller derby is 100% real, displaying endurance, teamwork, strategy, and full-contact hits that keep the action going. Our 2024 Home Season will have three games (see schedule) to be played at UConn’s Avery Point gymnasium in Groton, CT.
SLRD’s public games (or “bouts”) and our many community outreach and fundraising events create great exposure and generate increased awareness for your business among our hundreds of fans throughout southeastern Connecticut. SLRD’s fan base is diverse, including all demographic categories – likely including your customers!
We rely on local businesses and interested individuals to help support our mission, activities, and growth, and we hope you’ll consider lending a hand! Your financial support goes directly toward funding practice space & time, uniforms, training, bout production, insurance, and other operational costs. Our members pay monthly dues, buy and maintain their own protective gear, and are additionally responsible for travel and insurance expenses. Please join us as we continue to grow and compete in this exciting and life-changing sport!

Daniel Eurysm Roller Derby Photography
Sponsorship Packages
Platinum Level Sponsorship
Full-page advertisement in each home bout program (back cover, inside front, or inside back cover as available)
Vendor space at all home bouts (space permitting)
Your banner displayed at our bout venue (provided by you)
At least two announcer mentions per bout
Your logo and a link to your business on shorelinerollerderbyct.com
Autographed photo of Shoreline Roller Derby league, suitable for display
Social media mentions
FOUR season tickets, good for all three home bouts (see schedule), in VIP seating, plus opportunities to see home scrimmages free of charge!
Gold Level Sponsorship
Half-page advertisement in each home bout program
Vendor space at all home bouts (space permitting)
Your banner displayed at our bout venue (provided by you)
At least one announcer mention per bout
Your logo and a link to your business on shorelinerollerderbyct.com
Autographed photo of Shoreline Roller Derby league, suitable for display
Social media mentions
TWO season tickets, good for all three home bouts (see schedule), plus opportunities to see home scrimmages free of charge!
Halftime Sponsor
Your business announced multiple times as presenting sponsor of half-time activities OR you may choose to put on the half-time show
Display of your banner at the bout
One ticket to the bout being sponsored
Custom Sponsorship packages are ALWAYS available!
For questions or more information, please contact the
Shoreline Roller Derby Sponsorship Committee at: sponsorship.slrd@gmail.com

Sponsor a Skater!
Sponsor a skater of your choice for the entire 2024 season: $100
You do not need to be a business to sponsor a skater! Family, friends, colleagues…anyone is encouraged to show their support of their favorite skater by sponsoring him/her for the season!
For businesses, the Sponsored Skater will proudly wear a helmet sticker featuring your business logo at all home and away bouts for one year
Sponsorship listing with their image on the Shoreline Roller Derby website (www.shorelinerollerderbyct.com)
Sponsorship listing in home bout programs
Signed photo, at the discretion of the skater
Social media mentions
TWO season tickets for all three SLRD home games (see schedule), plus opportunities to see home scrimmages free of charge!
Daniel Eurysm Roller Derby Photography

Bout program advertisement for one home game:
$75 Full Page $50 ½ Page $25 ¼ Page $10 Shout-Outs!
Logo and link on the Shoreline Roller Derby website for one year: $100
Vendor space, per bout: $25
includes 1 admission, bring your own table or display
We encourage sponsors and potential sponsors to attend one of our twice-weekly training sessions. Come out and see what we’re all about!